Street Fundraising: A Charity’s Bread and Butter

India is a diverse economy fuelled by a blooming population of young working professionals and traditional businesses. Barring the remote Himalayan states, there’s no lack of people on India’s streets, especially in its metros. Such a situation makes street fundraising a highly feasible option for charitable organisations looking to raise funds through direct communication with potential donors.

You’ve probably been approached by face-to-face fundraisers (often young people) to contribute towards a social cause at some point in your life. Perhaps it was in a busy market, at a bus stop, or outside a cafe. Street fundraising is carried out in two distinct ways- on the street or at venues like corporate offices or establishments with high footfalls such as malls.

Street fundraisers usually operate in teams. They stand in busy areas and initiate dialogue with passers-by, informing them about your charity’s cause and aiming to persuade them to make a financial contribution towards social causes and issues. Donors can opt for a one-time contribution or a regular donation in their chosen frequency (monthly, quarterly or annually) debited from their bank account or credit card.

Among the many factors that work in favour of street fundraising for an NGO in India, is an acute sense of social inequality (especially among upwardly-mobile young people) and the desire to set things right through personal contribution. Generosity among Indians is also a socio-cultural byproduct, inculcated through upbringing and traditional values. People in Indian societies also aren’t averse to interacting with an absolute stranger, making street fundraising a challenging yet dependable way to draw attention to your charity’s cause and receive donations. Such fundraising also works well in a democratic context as streets are a public space and conversation of social change in such a setting feels just right.

A strong team of enthusiastic professionals is vital for a face-to-face fundraising campaign to be successful. India’s streets are often busy, and in major metros such as Mumbai, time is of the essence. Street fundraisers who possess charm and the ability to communicate your NGOs fundraising objectives in a short span of time are crucial for such operations. The ability to not be discouraged by frequent denials is also a huge plus. DDII works with experienced street fundraisers who believe in the causes they promote to create effective street fundraising campaigns for your charity looking to raise funds in India.