Google Grants For Non-Profits – An Overview

Google Grants For Non-Profits – An Overview

Among the plethora of websites on the internet, Google is arguably the top page that is visited by millions of people every single day. The search engine is synonymous with internet search and the competition among businesses to be found in their top search results has spawned an entire industry of SEO and AdWords agencies and specialists. Google grants for non-profits is the philanthropic side of the internet giant which offers a grant of $10,000 per month as AdWords credit exclusively to non-profit organisations. AdWords is Google’s advertising platform that allows businesses to advertise along search results. Being seen on this prime online real estate can make a world of difference to your charitable organisation.

Over the last couple of decades, the internet has pretty much decimated the traditional media space. Print is floundering, while TV and radio are witnessing stagnant user levels. If you have any doubt, newsreports from 2018 indicate that India itself has over 500 million active internet users.

It’s quite evident that more users are logging on rather than reading a newspaper or leaflet. Your non-profit can’t lag behind if you are serious about getting your message across to the widest audience possible.

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Google grants for non-profits is exclusively meant for non-profit organisations. By spending the grant amount on Google Ads, visitors who are searching for NGOs like yours will see a link to your website along with other organic search results. This translates into more visitors to your website, increased awareness and possible growth in funds towards your cause. Your non-profit can even design and launch campaigns by using the $10,000 AdWords credit on a monthly basis.

Securing a Google grant for non-profits is no easy task. All non-profits want to promote their mission and programs to a large audience in the hope of raising funds or creating awareness and support towards their causes so there’s tough competition. Know more about eligibility here.

Do not underestimate the power of Google AdWords to turn around your NGO’s direction in terms of raising funds. With the right set up and optimisation your NGO can reach thousands of people a month with the $10,000 grant, these visitors can then all start the journey towards being donors. It is also a great chance for your organisation’s website to gain maximum visibility and create high impact in an increasingly connected world.