
fundraising organizations in india

Advantages of Fundraising at Corporate Offices

Advantages of Fundraising at Corporate Offices Traditional fundraising has and continues to rely on seeking donations on the street or by going door-to-door. However, venue-based activities such as fundraising at company offices have their own benefits. Fundraising at corporate offices requires your NGO to first seek permission from the venue to set up a kiosk or run fundraising activities in a designated area on premises. With the IT industry booming in most Indian cities, large tech parks now house multiple corporate

Face To Face Fundraising Techniques

Face To Face Fundraising Techniques Face to face fundraising is a daunting yet exciting prospect for many new fundraising professionals. Although there are ample opportunities to interact with the common public and make them a part of your charity’s campaign, professionals need to be adept at face to face fundraising techniques to be effective. Face to face fundraising involves meeting prospective donors at their homes (door-to-door), meeting them on the street (street fundraising) and interacting with a more-or-less defined audience at

How To Be A Good Charity Fundraiser

How To Be A Good Charity Fundraiser Gone are the days when a career in fundraising was thought to be a temporary profile or stopgap arrangement before the next attractive job beckoned. India is estimated to have over 2 million NGOs and the numbers are growing with each passing year. With such a heavy concentration of non-profits along with the rise of an upwardly mobile workforce of potential donors, fundraising is a serious career choice in itself these days. A good
fundraising organizations in india

Face To Face Fundraising Training

Face To Face Fundraising Training Face to face fundraising includes going door-to-door, fundraising on the street, or by targeting donors at high-footfall venues such as a mall or corporate tech park. Each of these venues presents their own unique set of challenges and opportunities in acquiring donors for your NGO’s cause. At DDII, we provide end to end services for your non-profit to help you secure and retain donors, while deeply engaging them in your respective causes. Much of this is

Face To Face Charity Fundraising Tips

Face To Face Charity Fundraising Tips Face to face fundraising is one of the oldest and strongest methods to raise funds for your charity. This kind of activity includes fundraising on the street, by going door-to-door or by targeting a specific venue such as a mall or corporate tech park. All these approaches hinge on physically communicating with potential donors about your non-profit’s cause and motivating them to make a donation. As tough as this sounds, face to face charity fundraising

Street Fundraising Stopping Techniques

Street Fundraising Stopping Techniques Street fundraising bridges the gap between your non-profit and donors by actively engaging regular people on a personal basis. As much of this activity happens during the course of a regular day, time is of the essence. Experienced street fundraising professionals know this and are constantly aiming to convince and convert a potential donor quickly towards your organisation’s cause. Such trained pros are adept at street fundraising stopping techniques which ensure that your NGO makes the best

Street Fundraising – How to Get Attention

Street Fundraising – How to Get Attention Street fundraising is the most personal form of raising funds for your charity. Interacting with potential donors on a grassroots level is a crucial aspect of this activity. As a non-profit, street fundraising can generate a significant share of funds for your cause provided it is implemented effectively. At Direct Dialogue Initiatives India, we take pride in offering end-to-end professional services to your NGO. Our trained street fundraising professionals are adept at attracting one-time

Face to Face Fundraising for NGOs in India

Face to Face Fundraising for NGOs in India Face to face fundraising in India can be both challenging and exciting. With a large demographic of internet users, the average educated citizen in India is tuned in to various social and environmental issues. It’s great if your charity is able to engage masses towards your cause on social media. However, meeting potential donors in person through face to face fundraising is an effective long-term strategy when it comes to raising funds for

Fundraising through Individual support

Sustainability of a civil society organisation depends on many things – the organisation’s strategy, its people, values, ethos and long term vision. Financial security also plays an important role in its sustainability; and to pursue these an organisation may depend on high-net-worth individuals, corporate funding, foundation grants, government support, Individual funding etc.

DDII begins operations

Bengaluru, 1 March 2017: Today, Direct Dialogue Initiatives India Pvt. Ltd. (DDII) – incorporated on 19 October, 2016 – came into operation with the first batch of its staff. DDII is a new ethical fundraising company that will engage citizens and garner their support for cause-based civil society organisation clients.