
Fundraising Tips For Small NGOs

Fundraising for NGOs is essential at one stage or another, but for small NGOs, it can prove to be one of the most challenging aspects. In order to not only manage programmes but more importantly run your organisation, a constant influx of donations is key. Here are a few tactical tips for small NGOs to kick-off fundraising.   Understand Your Organisation Every NGO has different goals and your fundraising needs will vastly differ according to what you hope to achieve. Map

The Only Fundraising Stories You’ll Ever Need

Our brains are hardwired to readily accept stories. They help us discern right from wrong and trigger the emotional centres of our brain. It’s very important to understand this because to convert a prospect to a financial donor, the information and stories you share must have an equal mix of facts and emotions. Whatever fundraising channel you may choose, be it email, snail mail, digital media or even radio; stories matter. Thought-provoking and authentic stories evoke emotions and emotions help us

Why Donors Need You To Go Digital

In today’s world, for any organisation to not only thrive but quite literally survive, it’s absolutely crucial to master digital fundraising for NGOs. If you’re wondering why, it’s because whether your audience is over 60 years or closer to 25, everyone is online. The average individual owns at least five social accounts and spends almost 2 hours browsing them daily. If you don’t connect with your donor audience where they are, it’s likely you won’t connect with them at all, let

NGO Fundraisers: Stay Creative With These 5 Tips

It’s important to study tactics that have worked in the past in order to raise more funds or engage more donors. But not at the expense of your team’s motivation. If you feel like your team’s drive to has taken a hit, it might be time to put the ‘fun’ back in fundraising! Encourage your team to come up with new ways to boost their fundraising efforts, with just a dash of creativity. How can an organisation ensure that creativity and

Improve Your NGO’s Individual Giving Programme

Improve Your NGO’s Individual Giving Programme Many large and well-established charitable organisations meet their fund requirements through large donations received from corporate, government and charitable foundation sources. However, these sources are subject to fluctuations in either the economy or government policy, making them a volatile source of funds. In light of the above factors, individual giving is proven to be a very stable source to raise funds for your charity’s cause and long-term sustenance. For upcoming, small and mid-sized non-profit organisations,

Google Grants For Non-Profits – An Overview

Google Grants For Non-Profits – An Overview Among the plethora of websites on the internet, Google is arguably the top page that is visited by millions of people every single day. The search engine is synonymous with internet search and the competition among businesses to be found in their top search results has spawned an entire industry of SEO and AdWords agencies and specialists. Google grants for non-profits is the philanthropic side of the internet giant which offers a grant of

Facebook Lead Generation for Non-Profits

Facebook Lead Generation for Non-Profits Non-profits rely on funds generated through public awareness and goodwill to run their operations. Reaching as many people as you can with your message is imperative if your non-profit aims to fulfill its mission objectives. In a world that’s heavily online, especially on social media, Facebook lead generation has emerged to be a very viable route. Lead generation is important for any organization, but it’s especially important for non-profits.   Facebook lead generation seeks to spark

Donor Retention Strategies for Your Non-Profit

Donor Retention Strategies for Your Non-Profit Donor retention is a very essential part of fundraising which every NGO needs to sit up and take notice of. Simply put, donor retention means keeping contributions coming from your existing pool of regular, monthly and annual donors. The objective of donor retention is to keep donors giving regularly, without losing their connection to your non-profit organisation’s larger objectives. Following donor retention strategies are particularly important for monthly giving programmes since the length of time

Why Monthly Donations Are Important for Your Non-Profit

Why Monthly Donations Are Important for Your Non-Profit? There’s a reason why monthly donations are important for your charitable organisation. No matter what size or growth stage your non-profit is currently at, having a great monthly donation program is vital for your long-term success. In fact, among all the various factors that decide your organisation’s fundraising strategy, maintaining a regular stream of funds from your passionate donors ensures that your cause gets the attention it deserves and creates a wider impact.

A Three-step Guide to Monthly Donations for Your Non-Profit

A Three-step Guide to Monthly Donations for Your Non-Profit All non-profits need to make a note of the fact that having a programme that accepts monthly donations for your NGO’s cause is a sustainable way to ensure that you meet your budgetary requirements. But how can your charitable organisation and fundraising teams convince your donors to donate on a monthly basis? What are the methods that you can use to secure monthly donations? Whether your NGO is an upcoming one or